2025 Applications open this fall

Our applications for 2025 departures to Japan will open mid-September, 2024. Want to be a 2025 JET participant? Check out our Positions, Eligibility Criteria, and How to Apply pages for the details!

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Meet and Talk with JET Office

Our offices across the US will be holding information sessions for 2025 JET applications starting spring of 2024. Join for a chance to talk to our Program Coordinators and JET Alumni!

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Get Answers

If you have questions our our Program and our application process, look no further! Answers can be found here. Before submitting your application, please check our FAQ!

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Welcome to the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program. Founded in 1987, JET has sent more than 77,000 participants from around the globe (including more than 35,800 Americans) to work in schools, boards of education, and government offices throughout Japan. What makes JET unique is that it is the only teaching exchange program managed by the government of Japan. With more than 75 countries around the world currently participating in JET, this program offers a unique cultural exchange opportunity to meet people from all around the world, living and working in Japan. Before departing for Japan and upon return, there are a number of JET alumni organizations that host social, volunteer and professional development activities to help individuals through the transition process. Becoming a JET puts you in an elite network of incredible individuals. Join us for the adventure of a lifetime!

JET Infographic